Monday, March 1, 2010

Beware of the Beard

"There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist."

Okay, it is time again for another video.  This one I find to be very funny.  I don't know how these jokes have made their way into some many entertainment avenues, but they are out there.  If any of you are fans of "The Family Guy" tv show, you may have seen this already, and if you are not, it would serve as a testimony that the show is funny. 
I would also challenge anyone out there to try and find a picture of Sir Chuck Norris without a beard.  This Chuck Norris fact is a hard one to disprove.  There might actually be another fist under there.  Enjoy!


  1. Chuck Norris joke and family guy wish we had more of this comedy. Always a good laugh

  2. Do you know how many actual family guys Chuck Norris is in? And I agree with decades it would be awesome if we had more of these family guys.
